28 April 2009

Fabian Schreiter

I'd like to welcome Fabian Schreiter as a contributor to the FBWeekly blog. Some of you may know Fabi from his contributions to fingerboard.de or the fingerboard archive. I had the pleasure to meet Fabi at Rendezvous 6. He is an amazing fingerboarder and a great person too! Expect some great things to come :D

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Sponsorship Motivation Revisited

I get asked every day if I could help someone get a sponsorship, or even if I can sponsor people. I feel that too many people emphasize the 'need' to get sponsorships. There are a few reasons why people want to get sponsored.

- Get free stuff
- Respect

Both of these reasons I feel are the wrong reason to get sponsored.
I've learned a couple of things about sponsorship over my fingerboarding career. It's very nice be sponsored, but if that's your sole reason of fingerboarding than you should quit.

There have been times where I felt discouraged about sponsorships. At times I had no one sponsoring me, and I was really focused on trying to get one. I was so focused on trying to get a sponsorship that I lost sight of why I fingerboarded in the first place.

Why do I fingerboard?

I fingerboard because I love it. It's as simple as that. Each fingerboard event that I have attended has provided me with a different outlook. This past Rendezvous has provided me with a fresh perspective on fingerboarding. I am amazed to see how a finger skateboard can bring so many people together. I met so many people and made a bunch of friendships that I feel will last forever ^_^ If this is not the true reason to fingerboard, then I don't know what is!


27 April 2009

Dirty Harry in the USA

Harold Schon has uploaded all of the video he filmed while staying in the USA for Rendezvous 6.

Edit: Don't forget video 6 :D

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26 April 2009

Interview with Philippe de Goyri

Hi Fbweekers.
I got here Philippe de Goyri, owner of Yellowood fingerboards.
A nice interview after he organised the second meeting in Oporto this past Saturday. (photos and video soon)

Hi Phillipe!
Can you introduce yourself to our people at Fbweekly?
Ahahah, Well i see my self as a creative guy with love by everything related with skateboarding and fingerboarding

How did you start fingerboarding and how does it make part of your life?
I started Fbing 2 summers ago, and because of all the dedication that i have with Yw, it really changed my life, for the better

How was Yellowood born?
I started it as a joke to be honest ahaahaha with the guys that i work in the advertising agency, we loved the ideia of making our own wood decks and then each of us made a brand ahaha i remember one of the others brand was called Kicks ahaha nothing to serious back then

Along the way, what have been the greatest chalenges and achievements so far?
well the biggest chalenge all the way for me was to be able to make a quality deck, i think that now we reached that point, but we are always thinking on new ideias, thats the fun part.

Any surprises, funny stories?
ahaha I received once a letter from someone with a deck made out of card with the yw logo on it, i found it so funny.. i still have it in the museum

Who have been your references in the world of fingerboarding and skateboarding?
In skateboarding I always loved stuff from Chocolate they really inspired me since their biggining, in Fingerboarding i will say Jader (the master) and Martin Winkler

What can we expect from Yellowood in the future?
Humm. We will launch Ytrucks that is going to be our truck company but i dont like to think to much in the future life changes much to quickly aaha

What do you think will be the future of fingerboarding?
I think it still is very underground and it will grow more as a lifestyle and less as a toy

What would you say to those that are starting finrgarboarding right now?
Ii would say to never give up, in the biggining it is a little frustrating but once you make your first ollie a lot of good and fun times will come

Shotouts to anybody?
I wanna thank my family for all the support yw is becomming part of their life to, to all the people that support Fbing in getting better everyday and to you for the intreview aahaha

We thank you for the interview Philippe and
the great job at Yellowood.

More Voice FSB Pics

Voice FSB has released more photos of their realistic obstacle series! The obstacles look beautiful, great job! Visit Voice FSB here!
