Review: Flatface G7A & Flatface G7O
The Flatface G7 wheels feature a dual-bearing design that allows for . I noticed a major difference in comparing some of the older Flatface wheel models to the G7's. In my own experience, they spin much smoother, and faster than the older models. There is a little bit of difference between the materials. I found that the G7O's felt a little bit harder than the G7A wheels. Also, the G7O's seemed to be much quieter. However, the G7A wheels spun faster, and longer than my set of G7O's. Overall, the Flatface G7 Wheels are the best wheels that I have used to date.
Flatface G7A Fingerboard Wheels
Flatface G7O Fingerboard Wheels
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Flatface G7A Fingerboard Wheels
Flatface G7O Fingerboard Wheels
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