15 October 2008

Close Up Fingerskate: New Website is up!

Lots of news from Close Up! The new generation of Close Up Fingerskateboards is here! Check out the bearing wheels and the 5 Boro Fingerboard!


13 October 2008

Canon meets BlackRiver team rider Elias Assmuth

Recently, BlackRiver Ramps team rider Elias Assmuth was booked by Canon for a show at a business fair. Yes, the same company that makes electronics! Anyways, the point of the whole event was to create a scene to test Canon’s latest high end cameras.
Elias reppin’ BRR

Crystal clear Switch Heelflip

Frontside Blunt

Kickflip Nosegrind

If you want to see some more great fingerboarding from Elias, crystal clear pictures ala Canon, and beautifully crafted scenery by BlackRiver check out the BRR Flickr Gallery here! (My favorite pictures are the lady fingerboarding, and Martin Ehrenberger playing with the Canon HD Camcorder!) More information is at the BRR Blog, http://blog.blackriver-ramps.com/
I’ll try to provide more details about this event in the near future!
I know I haven’t been udpating the blog as much recently, but I promise to make it up to you all!