Kaiju Box Battle!

FBWeekly Presents...
The First Kaiju Box Battle Online Contest!
Entries due by April 11th at 11:59 PM.
How to Enter the Contest:
Step 1) Film a your best trick on a single grindbox obstacle (ledge, box, book, etc.)
Step 2) Show the trick in real-time and in slow-motion in the video.
Step 3) Pay the $1 entrance fee to mangkyosharingan@aol.com using Paypal. (Be sure to include your name!)
Step 4) Email your entry to fbweekly@gmail.com (be sure to include the link to the video, as well as your name).
- Single Trick/Combo on a Grindbox.
- One trick per entry. Multiple tricks will result in disqualification.
- Only tricks performed on a single box obstacle will be allowed.
- Multiple obstacles will result in disqualification.
- Tricks must be shown twice. Once in real-time. Then once in slowmotion.
Sponsors: Berlinwood, LowPro, Yellowood, Flatface, and CloseUp
Be sure to have fun! Pictures of the prizes will be shown in the near future.
P.S. If you can speak other languages besides english can you please translate the rules and post it on your forum!
Thanks to Andre Coral for making the sweet flyer <3!
Labels: Berlinwood, CloseUp Fingerboards, Contest, events, fbweekly, Flatface, kaiju box battle, lowpro, Yellowood
Sick sick sick..
I'll start now..
End date? Are there prizes?
This site is such a shitty way of trying to make money. You encourage users to click the ads?
would a tech dech bench count?
"This site is such a shitty way of trying to make money. You encourage users to click the ads?"
Yes I do! And you are right, it's a very shitty way of making money. Maybe 1-2 cents per ad click. I used the $5 I've earned to buy me two techdecks! Because that's my whole focus with this site. To make myself money... >_>
Yes, a techdeck bench counts :P
I translated this article and posted it on Russian Fingerboard Weekly
Thanks man :)
Do tech deck barriers count?
If we use a BRR Box 5, can we use both high and low or not? I'm assuming not, but figured I'd ask.
Here you have it in Spanish:
can we use a brr square pole jam.
Thanks for translating the stuff!
Sorry, but only the use of a box type object is allowed in the competition
Can I use that thing that comes with the hubba hideout, the thing that looks like a ledge? If not can I use any book?
Chris, box 5? Yes or no. -_-
Sorry Jay for the delayed response.
I had to consult with Tim really quick before I could answer. Using both parts of the box 5 is not allowed, but using either the upper section, or the lower section is okay
Are you guys going to be jugding on how clean the trick is?
Yep, we would be judging it under the style category ^_^
Do you think that winning this contest would open doors to more legit sponsors such as Flatface or so on...?
how do i pay to "mangkyosharigan" ??
never mind...i found out and payed :D
Here you are on SPAGHETTI FINGERS!
I'll try to partecipate :)
Thanks <3!
To BC: I'm sure has the potential to help influence sponsors. Depends on the amount of people who enter ^_^ It wouldn't hurt though!
Good idea!
I'll organize somethimg like that in Russia. With russian sponsors.
could you do like a 360 flip blunt kickflip nosegrind nollie flip out or lazerflip manual 360 flip out ?
"Good idea!
I'll organize somethimg like that in Russia. With russian sponsors."
That would be great :D Be sure to tell everyone there to enter this contest too!
could you do like a 360 flip blunt kickflip nosegrind nollie flip out or combos like that ?
combos are fine
Can we do grinding combos such as kickflip to nose grind kickflip out
CHRIS! i worked so hard on filming this but i don't know how to pay to an e-mail using paypal! please help! time is running out!!!!!
man i missed it.........
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