12 February 2009

Fingerboard in Brazilian Newspaper

Lazaro Paz, Alan dos Anjos and his fellow fingerboarders got recentely interviewed for a local newspaper, getting including in the cover.

The main focus of the interview was of course introduce to the mass public what is fingerboarding and how it works. They also speak a little about the past, how everything has started, the creativity used to make your own obstacles and stuff like decks.
The also show a few tricks, explaining to the main public what is a grind or a slide for instance. Which is in my opinion always valid, people who are not used to skateboarding or fingerboarding have no idea what is let's say a nollie heel back noseblunt. "what? that's chinese?" So it's always positive to explain a little about the basics.

Lazaro also speaks about his own project called "Skate de Dedo de Volta", where he, along with other fingerboarders, goes to some schools to have some demo, and pretty much spread the fingerboarding to more and more people. Also, in Lazaro's words for the news "i want to show that fingerboard is a choice to take kids out of the streets", and that's a very noble attitude in my opinion.

Click here for large version: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhffkgx8ZJ-yqWWCo8faZ-YV771c70pfIsN5zLa7c1yOhyphenhyphenpDKh5Ej4NjkmsiFAoXGc8NiHyoTtxNlTfvxd0n18B3qd2FPgwTIPW_HLihcuNZ57l1m6JxDl-kxFzM-ZKMxTkN85G-aeFf54/s1600-h/jornaldentro.jpg

There also the interview in video format, take a look:

That's it, congrats to Lazaro and Alan for everything they are doing, and to the brazilian scene, always showing the positive side of fingerboard. go for it lads!


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