Seen on FB Weekly First...

I was bored and decided to design a something for a shirt. At the rvous, i saw a shirt with Berlin Wood and BRR combined on Harry, so i wanted to make a shirt with both of my sponsors, since they work together; Flatface and BRR. Here it is! Mike, or Martin, if you want to sell these pleas contact me!
Nice :) I want that!!
Sick man
if it comes out i will buy one
this is so nice
wanna have wanna have!!^^
i wanna buy one. Sell them sell them!!!!!!
hairy turd/hairy poop
so gay but yet so cool
nah just gay
what sizez do you have? im 3xl in will buy it for 20-25$
look very sick dude!
fresh combo ;D
would you have a 5-Xlarge most stores dont sell them do you?i got 10$
my ballsack is hairy and is my wang.
crap. 5 xl 3 xl. wow loose weight
but ya when it comes out i might buy 1 it is sick looking. the two best companys in the fb scene
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg duuuudeeee i want one so bad. if they start sellin i hope they come in diff colerss cuz i cant wear black cuz i have 4 cats and there hair is on everything
what?!? the best 2 fingerboard companys in the whole world?
why everybody says that blackriver is soooo cooool?
they was pretty cool, but now it´s just a "monopol-company" and they make much money with you guys!
think about it.........
i know many small companys like lowpro, homewood, fingaspeak, pop, and these people really love fingerskateboarding >3
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