Hansen´s Game Of Skate DIY FB-edition
Hi, i am proud to be a part of fb-weekly. It was amazing talking to Tim, Chris, Jay and all the other fingerboarders during our stay in Andover. They really push fingerboarding.

From time to time i would love to contribute with articles and fun-stuff on this page.
A while ago i noticed everyone playing GOS all day long. Thats cool, cause i like the idea of beeing forced to do tricks, you normaly avoid.
Somehow i came up with the idea to make a special playboard for FB-GOS. Just to put something fresh and fun into the ordinary game of skate.
And an hour later i had an early version of this game. It´s nothing special. It is a Do It Yourself game.
This is how the Playboard looks like when all parts are assembled:

All you have to do is to download the Game-folder, print the playboard and the arrow, cut the arrow, laminate the playboard and the arrow, connect them and find an old dice somewhere...
Use thick paper for the playboard.
Even if you have no printer or lamination-machine at home it will not be expensive to print two pieces of paper in a copyshop. Copyshops also have lamination-machines.
Check the game-rules PDF in the game-folder..
Remember, this is something i thought would be fun trying to build, it is nothing big and it is for free.
Please don´t hate on me for my english, i promise to get better...at least i will try..^^
I hope you will like the game or the idea of it. Feel free to modify the game... and let me know, when you tried the game.
Here is the rapidshare link - the gamefolder is only 286 KB, so it is a fast download even if you only are a free-user:
we shall test out your game mr. hansen ^_^
kind of like skate dice
-kind of like skate dice-
yes but you have a little more freedom choosing a trick ^^
skate-dice are fun.
I like it! I will definitely try it out. :)
Sounds like a bunch of fun ^_^ I am going to make one right now :D
I can't wait to try it out. Printing it tonight. I'm gonna be ghetto and tape my stuff though. Haha
i couldn't download it because it's on a mac and i can't find a program to open it. please help
Try getting a program called Stuffit Expander. This will allow you to unpack the RAR file
after i "unstuffed it" it opened a weird file that had all unopeneable files.
i hav mac too
it doesnt work
The files are .jpg and .pdf you should be able to open both on a mac no problem. I know, because I am using a mac right now ^^
Anyways if you can't open a pdf you are going to need to download Adobe Reader to view the file
@ anonymous:
if you still can´t download the folder, send me an email and i will send you the files from the folder via email: write to hanzlow@web.de
I checked my rapidshare-account today and so far the file has been downloaded 118 times. Thanks for at least taking a look at it. :-D
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